Common Questions
Is sound therapy really as relaxing as a massage?
Yes! The vibration from the instruments on and around the body affect the soft tissues encouraging relaxation. The sounds promote changes in brain waves and let the brain move into a pattern that is similar to deep relaxation and meditation.
Can I do sessions online?
Sound therapy sessions are different online since the physical sensation of the vibration is a not the same as a bowl on the body. Recordings of the sound therapy instruments can help with meditation and relaxation. Schedule a discovery call to ask about recordings.
Self-care classes for individuals or groups can be arranged. The most successful ones have been Reflexology, and Head, Neck, Face massage. Contact me to set up a class.
All intuitive readings can be done online over Zoom.
Which of your sessions is best suited for me?
Sound therapy sessions are done with the client fully clothed, usually in comfortable clothes such as you would wear to a yoga class. If you enjoy music, you will enjoy this session.
Neuromuscular massage therapy sessions are best for chronic pain and movement restrictions. It is done with the client in comfortable clothing that allows access too the area with chronic pain. The therapist and client are a team in tracking down the cause and relief of the pain.
Reflexology is great for for relief of any pain throughout the body, or for deep relaxation when you want to stay fully clothed. Aromatherapy can be added to this session.
Do you take clients under age 18?
Young women aged 12 - 18 with parental permission. Please use the contact form to set up a time to talk about setting up an appointment.
What is a birth chart reading?
In a birth chart reading, you will provide me with the date, time and location of your birth. Using that information, I create a chart of what the sky looked like the moment you were born. From that information, we have a conversation about how the elements, planets and their placement shape your holistic self. If you chose to add sound therapy to a reading, the chart is translated into sound via singing bowls, gongs and other instruments.
Where do you ship to?
I can ship aromatherapy products to all of the 48 contiguous US states.
Fabric goods can be shipped to all US states.